Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I never know what to put here... Ok, fine. Title.

So. Tuesday was busy, but not bad. It was fun too...

Took a while to wake up. Boo for being tired.

class that ended early.
Class that was only a quiz so I was out of there in like 30 min
brunch (fruit and yogurt) with Bethany, then actual lunch (grilled cheese) with Bethany and Whitney. Whitney flew a bigger plane today, so she was excited about that/telling Bethany how different it is, especially when landing (She's a pilot. That's the answer for everything. haha!)
Education. It went well. It was someone else's turn to lead the class in a discussion. Thank goodness! haha! They did a good job. After they were done, we started to talk about unit plans and lesson plans, and I think I still don't quite get the logistics of it all... but I don't think you really do until it's done. Which stinks.

did some homework, talked to dad, etc etc

dinner -- went to eastway. I got to ask Nick about the last spring break trip, so I'll have a better idea of what to expect. I'm leaning towards going, but I'm not sure yet still. BAH. I'll talk to Emily later today (wed) so she can help me out, I think.

more homework.

Someone knocked on the door. I looked through the peephole and no one was there... then someone yelled, "IT"S MEEEE!!" Not really. But no one was there, except I saw a bit of shoe and a bit of pants to the side, and it turned out to be Whitney. she says, "I'm here to kidnap you." I yell NO! try to shut the door (why do they close so slowly??) gave up and clambered onto my bed. She chased me halfway up the ladder and made me go with her... to brownie night. It was fun!

While I was there, Katy gave me an exuberant hug because I was going to the retreat this weekend... and they said my eyes popped out (britni and whitney) I was more excited and couldn't breathe, so yeah haha!

And I got a cookie straight from the oven and got really hyper and did a happy dance because it was WARM! and Whitney laughed at me.

saw Katy's new room, did some rounds on my floor with Tiffany and Amy.

Overall, a mediocre day with an awesome night :-)

Glad to hear my Reader Abroad is doing well... don't get sick, hope the class can be changed, and tell me, have you seen any berets at all yet?


Melissa said...

Glad you had a fun night at Brownie Night! I'm praying for you as you decide about Spring Break. Love you bunches!

yack said...

I never know what to put here... Ok, fine. Comment.