Sunday, January 23, 2011

Once Upon a Time...

There was a girl. She went to college. She forgot to blog. The end.

Or not.

Anywhos. I thought I'd blog about the last week, because I think it's eventful enough that I can actually remember it! yay! You don't have to read any of it unless you really want to know the mundane details of my life! Yay!

Monday night I came back from home ( long weekend + forgot stuff + a need to regroup = definitely going home ), and unpacked and stuffs.

Tuesday I had classes all day with a lunch in between there with Bethany. And apparently, things aren't so easy to remember, because I can't remember what I did that night... I think I went to Eastway with Kelsey and that bunch. :-) Oh yeah, I was keeping track of what I was eating for nutrition, and Maegan accused me of doing homework.

I did more homework, ate oreo's, and went to bed.

Wednesday I woke up later than I meant to because my phone fell off my bed and the back came off and the battery jumped out. Behind my desk. So it took about 30 minutes with a wire hanger to get it out. Thankfully I had the time! I went to class, (including Chinese :-) met with Michelle and Emily, did some homework, then met Haley and Amber to figure out what we were going to discuss in EdPsych on Thursday. It was pretty crazy, kinda stressful, but it all worked out. I feel like there was a good balance of work and nobody was doing all the work, and somebody none :-) ... ... But it was a late night!

Thursday I wake up to realize I had no time to do anything I needed to do for the discussion thing. So I skipped Chinese :-( I mean, audited classes are the first to go, but beh.

Oh, and I wasn't feeling the greatest. I ate cheerios and sprite all day, but it worked. I was able to get through the day without feeling too bad, so I'll take it.

My lovely family skyped together to get me some discussion questions and current events and moral support, so that was awesome.

it went well. I survived, and the teacher said we were going to get top points. :-) Yay! Everything worked as planned, except for the timing. We were afraid it was going to go too short -- but instead, our "30 min" plan turned into 75 minutes! Yes! People were talking! And the game worked! Yes! It was catchphrase. With vocab from the chapter. Haley came up with it -- brilliant!

Went to see Rachel's new room layout, which is awesome and I wish I had. The bed is on top of the dresser and shelf, so it's like 4 feet off the ground. Then her desk is just against the wall. It's awesome! No loss of shelf space (although it is harder to get to...)!

After some homework time, I went to dinner with Andy, Yu and Kei. It was super fun! Andy is such a talker (usually about food) so I don't have to think of much to say, which is nice :-) He's a masters student now, and prrooooouuud of it! I laughed a LOT during that hourish. Sometime I'll remember what is so funny, and write it down for my Reader Abroad.

Lifegroup planning (I'm an apprentice now) and actual lifegroup. Our lifegroup finally split into two, so now it's two medium-sized lifegroups. It's a little sad, because a lot of my favorite people are in the other lifegroup (but a lot of my favorite people are in this lifegroup too, so I mean, it's a lose lose, win win situation). We talked about the last h2o sermon, which was about how we need to stop just liking Jesus, and actually live like him.

erm. erm... hung out till 11. Bed.

Friday was class, lunch with yukie (I like that girl), and more class. It was difficult to get through the blizzard on the way to class!!! The wind was blowing right in my face. Ew.

After that I did homework and called la mama to see if I could get a sleeping bag for the retreat next weekend, and to figure out my plans for the night (andy had invited me to Korean night at the lutheran house, and h2o had girl's night at Scribbles). I decided on scribbles because Korean food would not have agreed with me.

Before scribbles I went to the hub because I knew people would probably be there. They were. We hung out and ate and then went to scribbles! And got coffee! and hung out! And played Farkle! And I won! And then I colored on the paper tablecloth. Hence the name.

Damon's afterwards, hung out, talked about burnt onion loafs and I don't know what else. But it was a fun night!

Saturday I slept... yumm... did homework until Kait kidnapped me ish not really. But it's fun to say. She came in and we talked and I showed her HARRY THE FLYING FINGERS!!! which will be at the end of this post. We ate lunch in the Hub after talking to Whitney (WHO IS A PILOT!!) and Kristen (who isn't). Asian. Yes.... Icecream. Yess.... In front of the fireplace in the basement? Ohhhh yess...

Piano randomness. Kait showed me the importance of closing your eyes or looking around so that you'll actually listen, especially if your fingers know what they are doing.

Homework. Dinner. (mac n cheese from home :-) Facebook and stupid stuff. Finally realize it's late and go to bed.

Sunday: Homework. around one I got my sleeping bag and took the padres and la hermanita to Subway :-) It was great to chat! Apparently they are going to do that more often, since it's two weeks in and I still haven't spent all my money from last semester. Yup. Sounds good to me!

After they leave, I do some homework and then go to h2o! It was fun! Kait played piano, and when I walked in more than one person looked at me, then said, "Wait, you're not playing piano??" Because Kait was wearing a red hat and was pretty much wearing "a hannah outfit with a Kait twist") Andrew introduced a new song, "Your love never fails" by Jesus Culture. AH mazing.

Jason talked about trials and James 1:2-4ish

Well interest meetings and well mentor meetings, and spring break meetings. Hub. Chat with Rachel F's international friend.

Come home. watch the Steeler's win (they're going to the Superbowl... yay...) (Actually, I could hardly care less)

now I'm here. And I just realized I do not make interesting blog posts. Katie's are definitely more exciting (Not even the content part -- just the writing is more interesting :-P )

And it's almost midnight, like my roommate pointed out. Ew. Bedtime!

P.S. Funny how the days got longer the more recent they became. note to self: Don't try to blog a whole week. better yet, just blog a bit every day!

1 comment:

Kaite said...

I like your life.