Thursday, July 07, 2011

Well, It's Been a While Since I've Blogged, So Here. A Post.

Well, the past few weeks have been fun. We've done a ton of stuff with Claire, like going to the grandparent's house for a couple of days (where I got hooked on puzzles-- I'm on my 2nd one from home now...). We ate a lot of good food and had fun going to lunch, to the space museum, and hanging out with some gals I haven't seen in a while :-)

We also went to Cedar Point! Claire went on all the rollercoasters with us, except for the top thrill dragster. Only Abby and I went on that (yelling "Yeah Toast!" at the top of course). The day was not too hot and pretty breezy, and the longest we waited for a coaster was like 1 hour, so it was a good day to go! Seemed like Claire had fun!

Besides that, I've been working and figuring out what I want to do with my life, asking plenty of teachers for advice and stuff. Seems like everyone says I should just shadow a couple teachers and stuff. So I'm planning on getting something together for that soon. We'll see!

I've listened to all the LT sermons -- maybe I'll listen to them all again! They haven't been putting up any more since the 16th of June, so hopefully the audio is working and all and they're just a little behind :-) The sermons have definitely blessed my life -- I think it would be good to listen to them again :-D

Aaaand... I've run out of things to say, except that I'm SUPER excited for this Saturday, because I'll get my fix of h2o people! mid-summer bash!

Ok, off to work! Time to clean those dishes! hahah...

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