Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Life includes:

Celtic Ball. Excited? You betcha! I have my dress, I will obtain some sweet jewelry, and will (hopefully) figure out a really pretty hair do. Lucky boys--all you have to do is kinda throw together a nicer outfit, and check your hair on the way out.

The thought of LT. I'm starting to remember so many memories I had kinda forgotten a few months ago. Excited? NO!!! LT? no way. No one's EVER excited for LT!!!!!! lol. Fundaraisers coming our way!

School. Excited? no. No sarcasim this time. I just do it. But, I must say, I do enjoy writing ramdom stories about random people about random things that may not seem very significant. That's fun. But everything else (besides piano, of course) is just school. ho hum.

I wish I could wake up earlier, and get the same amount of sleep. I could wake up at 6:00 like everybody else, but I'd get even more incoherent than I am now!! You may not think I'm incoherent, but you haven't heard me talk!

I'd better go see what I'm doing with my hair. It's a mess.


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