Saturday, April 28, 2007


It's the weekend. Tomorrow's sunday. Sabado. Yeah. Warm weather's on its way. It's weird how my mood changes with the weather.

It's also weird how the first few days of stormy/cloudy weather I can be very hyper.

Heather giggled as she read the letter written on purple paper. It was from her friend, Terri, in New York, who was away for the summer. As always, Terri was giving Heather the full account of the week--with special commentary by Terri.

Mrs. Hopscotter was holding the fork by the very end of her fingertips, taking the smallest bites possible. I don't know how she manages to eat such small bites and remain as big and intimidating as she is. She looks somewhat like a frog--complete with a double chin and a big red frizzy wig. She always talks like a stuck up queen would--her voice is low and stiff. Sometimes I'm surprised it doesn't break under the strain of her perfect English. I'm glad I don't live with her, and only have to have "tea" with her every Tuesday, instead of every meal, every day, like her poor niece does.
Anyway, hope you're good, and that your Tuesdays are about as entertaining as mine.
Write back!!

Heather put down the letter and looked out her window. Nothing had really happened to her lately. It had been pretty dull without Terri around, and she still had two months in New York. Maybe she should just send Terri a picture of a frog with a double chin and frizzy red wig, wearing a queen's dress and crown...that would make Terri laugh.

Maybe she should go down to the pond and catch a model.

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