Saturday, July 14, 2007

A list.

1. HP5 came out, I haven't seen it yet, but I can't WAIT!
2. Our basement looks amazing.
3. I finished my couch.
4. LT is almost close enough to count the days on one hand. I can't WAIT!!
5. The LT party is tomorrow, where I get to see all my friends that I haven't seen for 2 weeks. Yay!
6. I finished the LT video. I can't wait to watch people's reactions.
7. I'm having some rocking awesome quiet times!
8. HP7 is coming out, and that's going to be SO bittersweet. argh.
9. I read the most amazing book yesterday. (See top) It took me from lunch to dinner.
10. I'm still glowing over what Mrs. K had on her blog.
11. I'm still finding time to be lazy in the summer.
12. Flowers are amazing freshly cut from the garden, sitting on our kitchen island.
13. I found out "Psyche" can make me grin (thanks, Caleb).
14. I'm happy that I have so many things to look forward to.
15. I posted! Yay!

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