Saturday, October 09, 2010

Fall Getaway!

Fall Getaway: Pack like a maniac on Friday between classes (oh and eat too).

Then Kayla, Amber, Whitney and I pile up in Kayla's car and caravan with Jason, Andrew, and Luke. Sleep till we stop. Andrew apparently called my house, b/c he didn't have my cell. It made me laugh. :-)

Stop at Burger King (COKE ICEE), get there in a pretty decent time. We only had to turn around ONCE!

Set up, practice music, watch people go by. (Not lodge with bff, unfortunately, but closer to food). First session: Worship was awesome, Pardi was awesomer. Talked about Knowing God. Snacks, bonfire, STARGAZE!! Kait showed me where Andromeda is, and I pointed out the little dipper and the milky way! pics soon, I hope.

Bed. Wake up! (P.S.) our door was super creaky, I felt bad every time I walked in the room with people sleeping...

Breakfast (oh, snacks and breakkers we provided. it was yummy)

Morning session that I was not playing for... Pardi talked about community.

h2o olympics. Pics on fb. stations with different tasks, first team to complete it won! Noodle soccer.

Lunch at the place. It was good. Rachel and I had to go back b/c I dropped my hat, and Rach needed pictures with lick and touch, feel the rush!

And then free time. I went to the Q&A with Pardi, then homework. People went hiking, ultimate Frisbee, etc.

Music practice, little rushed and stressful b/c there were more songs, but it was good.

Pizza (25 boxes? ridiculous) Dinner with life group to really figure out what to do next.

Pack. Now it's raining.

Last session. Worship went well. WE PLAYED THOSE WHO TRUST!!! Communion. Pardi talked about evangelism, seeking and saving the lost. Good reminder to focus!

Leave. I "stole" some pizza. Glad I did, it was a life saver b/c then I could just eat in my room when I was studying like crazy.

drive home with Angela? Angelina? Cassie, Whitney, and me. We only had to make a couple loops. We missed our exit for 76, took the next exit to get back on, but that exit's on-ramp was closed. So we had to go more the wrong direction bfore we got home. But it was all ok. :-)

That was the short, non-in-depth version of the weekend. Maybe tomorrow I'll give more of what actually happened spiritually wise haha...

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