Monday, January 24, 2011

It's the second monday, but the third week.

Sooo Monday.

I didn't want to get up. It was 9 and I still didn't want to get up!

I think I finally got out of bed at 9:30

went to class, got out early (that's one good thing about Karman...), did some homework, went to Prentice, even though I wasn't really planning on eating with anyone... Prentice is just the place to be -- you're bound to see someone. :-)

And I actually saw Erin! and she asked how my Reader Abroad was doing, and I told her, and we were jealous together... Then I sat with Navs people for lunch. It was funny. It's interesting too how different the conversations are when there's a majority on the guy's side. Haha!

More homework, then CACM, which was fun as always... the projector did not feel like working, so it took a while to get started, which gave me some time to get my life in order.

after CACM, I went to the consultation for my nutrition project (more details!)

aaand did homework. Or pretended to. I'm doing terribly lately with the whole productive thing. I've got stuff done for tomorrow though, so that's good.

But why is FB and Youtube so interesting???

Part of the problem too was I could not focus on one piece of homework. Even though I wrote down everything I needed to do, I still couldn't get it out of my brain, so I would be doing one thing, then remember, "oh yeah! don't forget about this!" and I'd suddenly be doing what ever "this" was... Yeah. Tomorrow will be better...

Dinner from Prentice (I indulged on some mozzarella sticks with my pasta... yum!)

Matt B took me to music practice (but it's monday! I know! RA's have stuff to do on Tuesday, so we switched to monday... works for me!), and he sat in and played guitar without being plugged in, just to get the feel of the songs and such. Ivan drummed (yay!) and Brian Y played Electric. Kayla's leading, and Rushia is singing -- I think it's her first time, so she mostly hung out and sang without a mike just to figure out harmonies and such.

It was fun!!! :-D

Then somehow it was 10:30 and time to leave. Rachel and Devon were watching the end of How to Train your Dragon (Rachel owns it! I might have to commandeer it sometime... hahahahah) and so I watched the big dragon fly around and stuff. It was great!

and then suddenly it was 11 so I thought I'd blog and go to bed.

So that's what I'm doing.

Good night.

Ps (I might make this a habit) Yesterday Rachel got me a die with chinese characters instead of arabic numbers. It rocks. It's on my desk. :-) It's got red 一,二,三,四,五,and 六。Pretty sweet!

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