Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Wednesday that was pretty good :-P

Today was an interesting day. I kind of woke up earlier, so that was good...

Colloq was fun, nothing really new to report except that we actually have to do some writing soon... like mid feb. Boo... but I suppose it's ok.

Went to the study abroad fair in the Student Union. Found a Summer China program that sounds really exciting. I really want to do it, but the reality is, I'll probably not do it this year at least... but I really want to do it... but I would have done Honduras LT if I was going to do anything at all this summer besides work. Bah.

Lunch, Chinese, CACM. Tomorrow we're going to be buying and selling stuff in class, and all the cash I have on me is change. I don't think I'll be buying anything for more than 50 cents. I guess I just have to be really good at bargaining. haha! (but I don't have anything to sell! I should have brought my mom's jewelry up, except that everyone else is broke college students, so that doesn't really work too well.)

Chatted with Emily and Michelle, which was fun. Emily gave me more info on the spring break retreat, so I have a little more to work with now. I still have a few things to iron out (homework, what God wants me to do, things like that).

dinner with Kelsey, Maegan, Nick, and Michelle. We were all in a weird, goofy mood! It was great! I had a yummy brownie. I've been splurging lately on my calories. I think I'm afraid my nutrition project will tell me to eat more healthy, so I'm getting all the desserts out now...

homework with Joyce and Elsa!!! It was fun! I actually got some things done, but we also just goofed off a bit. Jerry showed up for a game that he lost... he actually just gave up even though there was no checkmate because all he had left was a king. Against a queen, a knight, and a rook. yeah, he's dead.

introduced Elsa to the wonderful Harry playing Harry Potter.

Played piano a little ourselves. (only 15 min, no worries).

Now I'm printing out powerpoints for nutrition. So much easier to take notes this way!

Tomorrow... I hope it goes well. I have a feeling I'm never going to leave my education class without being a bit panicky. Too much to do!

I'm going to take a Chinese test on Friday without stressing about it with minimal preparation. Let's see if I over prepared last year! haha

Good night, peoples!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sounds like a good Wednesday. I was praying for your Thursday too! Glad you're having fun in the midst of all the work! Love you!