Thursday, March 10, 2011

A crazy couple of days (with a surprise), ending nicely :-)


I'm tired. I can't wait to go home! :-)

Tuesday was classes, ... ... I'm having problems remembering what I did... ... ... All I remember is that I had a spring break meeting at 5 -- for the spring break trip I'm taking in a couple weeks -- to fix up some playgrounds and clear some trails, etc. :-) It'll be fun.


Meet with education group to finalize first draft of lesson plan.

Went to the student center b/c I was craving ice cream for some reason. Walking towards ambrosia, and I hear the Court Jester Whistle. So I stop in my tracks and scan the crowd, wondering who on earth knows that whistle, only my family knows it really....

And I see dad! He's over talking to Karlien, Matt B, and E.D. (and Hannah Y and someone else). Surprise! (Except not really because I knew he'd be in the area) I think dad wants to become a college kid again. :-P Good to talk to him. Tried to get ice cream but the line got really long, so I finally acknowledge that I was more thirsty than craving ice cream, so I got lemonade from Nathan's instead. Super easy.

Anywhos. That was fun. Got a ride back to...

Brownie night! It was fun! But Whitney stole my plaid fedora. :-( It's a little bent out of shape now, but it was still fun trying to get it back from her. :-P Good exercise.

Wednesday: classes (In colloq, we're finishing the story of goldilocks, and using transitions and such. It's very creative. More to come on Friday too!)

Meet with Emily and Michelle. :-) Michelle had peanut butter chocolate chip cookies -- they were delicious!

Cram for nutrition test with Joyce and Elsa. (I practiced my scottish dancing when I couldn't concentrate anymore) (That helped get back to work! Yay for study breaks!)
Go to Invisible Children meeting. I won the icebreaker! It was the "Dude!" game we played in that choir thang, but you just screamed instead. I never met anyone's gaze... I'm the eye-contact ninja! I got a pack of sour icebreakers out of it :-D
Cram for nutrition test with Joyce and Elsa.


Thursday (also known as today! [for like 15 more min]) (and that was so Kaite of me)

Nutrition test. I hope it went well. there were a couple that I weren't sure of, but it's so crazy because I'm positive those few questions weren't in the notes, they weren't in the powerpoints... you probably had to read the book. Honestly, it was worth losing a couple points (though that's not positive because I did some Princeton guessing) NOT to read the chapter :-P Ahh, the college mindset.

Music. Lunch with Bethany and Whitney! Chinese. Education. Education went ok -- we were peer reviewing. =P (wow, also Katieish of me) It went ok. there's still a LOT to be done!

Then I decided to see how much effort I would have to put into declaring my Spanish minor. And I realized it takes a bit, because I'm not sure it's walk-in advising material, but there are no advising spots left in March except during Spring break, and I won't be here! And they don't have April up yet to schedule. They were closing up, otherwise I woulda totally walked in and seen if I could just get the papers I needed or whateves. Technically I already have a spanish advisor... ish.

After allllll of that, I was so tired!! I was supposed to start on more homework (thankfully none due tomorrow), but instead, I had a quiet time and took a 10 min nap. Well, more like I laid on my bed for like 10 min with my eyes closed.

Dinner with international friends. Shufen actually came! And brought three friends! Juni, Jesse?, Nosuki? I think? yea.... It was a good time. We left at like 6:45 to go to the celebrate Asia event going on in Koonce. It was really fun too! good food, good music, good dance... great friends! I knew a handful of students there, and recognized a whole lot more! It was so packed though!

Lifegroup! The conversation was awesome... the topic was forgiveness and the servant who owed the king millions of dollars and was forgiven, who then went and beat up a fellow servant who owed him a few hundred. It was super good. :-D

Hung out afterwards -- really really fun :-) I love those girls......
Snowy on the way back! Stop doing it Ohio! (Or stop doing it, neighbors!)

Kelsey says I need to try harder to stop it. I'm doing my best! lol

Anyways. It's tomorrow. Time for bed. :-D


Kaite said...

1. Those cookies sound delicious and I want to hang out with Michelle more to absorb her knowledge. =D

2. YES. You have obtained the college mindset! high five!

3. have a great weekend!

Melissa said...

Great to have you home last weekend! Too fast as always!

I'll be sure to tell my SAT students that learning to do POE for the SAT is transferable to other tests in college when you may not have read all of the material--IF that were ever to happen! :)

Sounds like you have learned to make sure you fit fun in with all of the studying!!
Love you!