Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break Trip: Day 5

Today was a fun day...

Got up early again. ewww. Even though I'm getting up early every morning, I feel like it's something important to mention because it's hard! haha...

Today my group (which added Emily M as a driver/extra person to help out :-) went to the Homer Laughlin pottery company's factory just over the river in WV. :-) it was kinda weird to park in WV with a clear view of OH.
The factory was very interesting -- sometimes I think I would like a factory job because it's so mindless, but then other times I think I would get bored or I would get some sort of like, back problems or something from doing the same thing over and over while standing up...
But the process was really interesting! Their fiesta ware is famous, in case you didn't know. Super bright colors and kinda sorta awesome. They do the plates at Applebees if you need an idea of the brightness. They also do steakandshake. and other such companies that I didn't catch. But now I'm going to be a plate turner to see where HL pop up! haha

I got a couple things for super cheap, so that's cool :-)

Then we went to our site and ate lunch really quick and finished the archery ranges -- we put the roofs on top, and Mike said that the grant for the targets were approved and he's trying to get the targets early so we could maybe shoot with them on Friday, which would be fabulously fun!

But yeah. For some reason, the power drill didn't like me, (didn't want the screw to actually go in, and instead tried to get Nick's finger) so Nick did most of it instead. Everyone was working really well together! And the weather was perfect! It was gray but cool and nice and a nice cool breeze coming into the pavillion. When it started thundering and raining a tiny bit, we asked if we needed to stop because the power tools + lightning = disaster... but Mike said that until the lightning got closer we could keep moving. so we did! And it basically went like this: I rushed around doing last minute measurements to make it go faster, people were putting on roofs like crazy, Nick put the last screw in, and we all sprinted for the car! 2 minutes down the road, it started pouring!!!

Tomorrow will be good though-- apparently it's supposed to be cold but sunny -- and since we're working on the trail and probably using more effort :-P we should be ok.

came back and hung out, ate dinner... had a talent show! Lots of musical stuff from Kayla, Sarah, Emily R and me, Mike (not mike from the park, mike a college student) juggled while daniella braided Jazmine's hair, Sophie sang, and Lexie showed her true talent as an awesome MC :-)

h2o tiedown, annnnndd..... off to bed! Yay! Hopefully I'll get to bed before 10 tonight... that would be lovely! :-)

Good night, lovely people!

1 comment:

Kaite said...

Sounds like a full, excellent, memorable, informative day! =D Love! :)