Friday, May 27, 2011

An Update

I almost feel like I should be updating my blog too, since so many of my friends are doing it for LT. However, my life isn't as crazy busy or as exciting as their's, so we'll see how this goes. :-)

I worked Dining room at Panera last night, which was fun! Since I had closed dining room for 15 months before leaving for college, I had the system down pat! It was a lot of fun, but I have a feeling I'll like making sandwiches better. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see if the novelty wears off. :-)

I've been trying to get all my pictures up from the past year at college onto Facebook. It's been quite interesting realizing how much I've gotten to know some of these people. When I first walked up to Arooj and Joyce talking that first week at Kent, I had noooo idea that Joyce would be my floormate this next year! How sweet is that? And just getting to know so many people from h2o and classes and stuff... it's been sweet. I miss everyone tons, but that's summer I guess.

I am going to see some peoples next week though, so that'll be fun :-) The part that won't be so much fun is working... at 5 am... Sat, Mon, Tues, and probably Wed, Thurs, Fri and Sat too... The usual prepper is on vacation, so I'm picking up her shifts. It'll be good, but that's a lot of mornings of waking up before the sun! beh.

I haven't unpacked completely, but now there's only piles of papers and a couple things on the floor in my room that I have to deal with, but other than that, I'm done. Yes, I'm aware that it's almost 3 weeks since I came home, but I haven't been very motivated to do anything other than read. I've read: Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone, The Hobbit, the Twilight series (four books), Hope was Here, the Wednesday Wars, and I'm working on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Animal Farm, and Lynchpin. yup. :-)

I've also been playing a lot of George Winston.

I have no life :-)

I think that's it for now, I guess. I'll catch y'all later!

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