Thursday, October 27, 2005

yo :D

I haven't posted for a while. Actually, I did, but it didn't publish it. Ktyack just said the compu ate it.

Well, if u've been keeping up w/ kt's blog, we have a job, and I'm totally liking it! I wazn't too trilled to begin with, because it sounded too much like MORE WORK! Which it the last thing I need at the moment, but the actual doing it is worth the work.

If u haven't kept up with kt's blog, here's the run down.

Our job is being a pianist. There's this organization that teaches kids who've never learned to dance dance. It's simple steps (for us dancers, I suppose) but then I tryed out a few at home and realized some steps are a bit confusing for me, too. Anyway, they start and stop so much and need different moods and stuff that they can't just use a CD player, they need pianists. So that's where we come in. I'm really liking it.

so, yesterday, I came down to eat breakfast with ktyack. she waves and says hi, and I do my little hand thang and say yo and ktyack snorts into her cereal. it was very amusing

I realized yesterday that I am very british. I say rather and a bit and "just a tick!" instead of just a minute and I say some things britishly. I like that word, BRITISHLY say it w/ an English accent.

?donde est'a un gato? est'a encima de la mesa. nosotros estamos hablar en espa~nol. Or at least, I was.

my life is being really busy at the moment, though I'll be a bit (there we are) better with posting. Dinner's ready. G2G


Anonymous said...

not mmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeennnnnn!!!!!!!!

H. Yackley said...

?donde est'a un gato? est'a encima de la mesa. nosotros estamos hablar en espa~nol.

Where is a cat? Is on top of the table. We are talk in Spanish.


H. Yackley said...

A diary tells u what you did that day, pretty much. A Journal is when you say nothing about the day, but just say like jokes or thoughts.

H. Yackley said...

I guess that is what I am.