Saturday, December 03, 2005

Blaze, and an update.

I got a virtual pet named Blaze. I made him like the red cat in Charlie Bone--the Flames. I couldn't remember his name, though. I think it starts with an A, Aries. But it might be the orange one. But Blaze is good, too.

I'm now 14, and WEARING MAKEUP! Can u believe it! Just sparkly lip gloss and eyeliner, but aiee. I got a lot of really good stuff for my b-day. Makeup, obviously, and some cute outfits, and a HUGE binder, which will come in handy later.

we had a little gig last night with piano. Backround music for a wedding cocktail hour thing.We did good. The playing was better than the practicing. But now it's over, and only two more times with our other gig. wow, time does fly.

I got my hair cut. Just trimmed, but I like it this length. Random fact.

Today is our b-day party, Kt's and mine. Kt's is on wednesday. All three of the peeps I invited is coming! It's gonna be really fun.

ok, looking back...Thanksgiving went well, we had a ton of ham and FOOD and we got the house decorated.

WE SAW HP4 and it was AWESOME! They've definately grown as actors. sure, they had to kick out a ton of side stories and characters, but the book IS 734 pages paper back.

I'm gonna stop talking, and let abyack get on. I know she's not gonna post, but get on neopets, as always. well, c u all today or sunday, or something!

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