Sunday, February 26, 2006

Celtic Ball

So this last week has been just busy with the usual stuff....

This last Saturday, aka yesterday, we did our cleaning jobs, then kt and I rushed over to this church 30 minutes away, to learn dances for the celtic ball. Now, the celtic ball is for home-schooler-high-schoolers, and you learn all the scottish/celtic type dances, and it's like weird, because the boys have to ask the girls to dance, and so it's kinda acward, but we learned the dances...then we rushed back home, we had 3 hrs to take showers and get ready and all, and though some boys might think that's a breeze, it's NOT. we were totally rushed.

Then we rushed back to the church and everyone had gone from jeans and sweatshirts, to formal suits and dresses, and it was very pretty, all the colors and stuff. It was really fun, and the dancing was SO GREAT, I LOVE dancing. I mean LOVE it. it's SO much FUN.

It was a little funny, when we were taking breaks from dancing, and eating refreshments, all the girls were in packs and talking and stuff, and all the guys were in groups, and talking, but hardly any girls and guys in groups and talking, but that's how it is for our highschool teen group for church, but we're working on it....

speaking of dancing, we're watching dancing with the stars, and I really hope the scores are right with my opinion....Drew has to be on top, but I wouldn't mind stacy on top, I guess, but Jerry CAN NOT!!! be the top, they just can't, the others are just great, I dunno, but this is just ANNOYING!!!!!! Jerry was supposed to be out last week......oh well...I gotta go, the tv's calling me....

NOOOO Stacy's gone, it's either Jerry or Drew...PLEEZE BE DREW!!! it's probably gonna ba Jerry, unfortunately, he's just too popular!!!!!

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