Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Ok, so today I got my hair cut, and it looks GREAT!!! I think I'm gonna get a pic...oh, I don't have the card with the pics...ABAGAL!!!!!! anyway, whatever...

Ok, I got tagged, here we go....

Seven things to do before I die:
1. get married, have a family
2. go to Mexico or Spain and be a translator.
4.Grow with the Lord, and show his love.
5. get through college somehow...
6. write a book...hopefully
7. get a better relationship with those around me

Seven things I cannot do:
1. being immune to the tv (though I hope to one day, pray for that!
2. play the trumpet
3. roll my tongue on cue :D
4. stop talking, ever!
5. keep my hair long--ever!
6. do a back tuck or any gymnastics above backhandsprings
7. think that any guy can be hot--handsome, yes. not hot.

Seven things that attract me to a guy:
1. Definately a strong christian.
2. gets my jokes
3. good musical talent
4. be someone I can trust to keep secrets
5. dependable
6. can tell when im down, and can always help me up
7. has a great character.

Seven things I say:
1. I is ____ (Happy, tired, etc)
2. whatever
3. wierd....
4. so?
5. ok
6. I can't WAIT
7. yay!

Seven books I love:
1. the Bible
2. Harry Potter
3. The School Story
4. Frindle
5. Learning to Sing by Clay Aiken.
6. Watership Down
7. Purpose Driven Life

Seven movies I like pretty well:
1. Harry Potter
2. Narnia
3. Princess Bride
4. Pirates of the Carribean
5. Finding Neverland
6. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
7. Finding Nemo

^those r not in order^

Seven people I tag to do the same:
well, alot of ppl hav already been tagged, so here are the ones i can think of! lol
1. Abby
2. Cleb
3. Hailee
4. ...
5. ...zz
6. ...zZz....
7. * sorry, can't think of any more.

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