Monday, June 12, 2006

I ran today...13 minute mile. Kt went around again, but I'm a wimp, I didn't go. Ok, so I'm not a wimp, but I definitely need to run more...but kt's so funny....she kept saying "that was amazing" because at the home stretch, I totally sprinted, and at another point, sprinted. But I cut 2 min off my mile. Of course, that's only if I keep the trend going...I know I shoulda done another few minutes, but the treadmill was put up, and I wasn't in the mood to go around again....

Yesterday was really, really fun. church was fun, youth group was AWESOME! We did a scavenger hunt, and there were some really random things, and we both thought we had gotten everything , but it turned out the other team had missed a half-eaten donut, and the leaf our team picked wasn't an oak leaf, it was a maple leaf. Canada.....sheesh! ah well...we tied, with those messed up things, and one questionable one--the other team had gotten Jello, instead of Jello PUDDING, and I think for my group, we had gotten a return address out of the trash, but Jason had said that wasn't allowed for the other team ( we were split--Jason got the other team, and we got angie I love our picture of a But I got a paper cut, and didn't know it for quite a while...not until I noticed a silly signiture for the 15 signitures we were supposed to get. I notice "Apostle Paul" lol. I pointed at it, and got blood all over the paper. so I'm typing carefully. it's funny how many keys the index finger types.

Saturday was weird, too. We went to Patrick's wedding, and during the reception, sat RIGHT next to the speakers. my voice it shot after the shouting over noise, and yelling at the scavenger hunt. so not much singing today.

GREAT NEWS! My Aunt's coming sometime soon!!!!! I never get to see her, so this'll be fun!

ttyl, p4u, etc,


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh Hannah!! I'm SO excited to see all of you. :) Aunt Lis