Saturday, June 17, 2006

Relay for Life

OH, MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This weekend has been so totally rockin' awesome!!!!!! How much greater can a weekend get when we go to this Relay thang, some girls from youth group put up a tent all by themselves (you rock!), you go through this awesome luminaria thang, and really bond with your gals from youth group (you TOTALLY ROCK DUDETTES!!!) stay up half the night, sleep for 3 hours, find upon waking that more than half the youth group stayed up the ENTIRE night, watch a sun rise, and everyone crashing. Oh, and play a really short mafia game with me and Kevin as mafias and tony somehow knowing who we are. I need to work on my poker face.

The luminaria I knew it was gonna be emotional, but wow. I had a luminaria for my great-grandma. She was really cool. Rach had 2 for her grandpa. It's amazing how much you start to care for someone when you've been praying for his health. I wish I had met him. Then, of course, the one for Mr. Knable. Every time we passed one of those luminarias, I'd think of them. No idea what I thought, but I thought of them, and knew they were being remembered in a very special way. But then when their names were said in the list...I just started crying. Not just a little, but a ton. It was me, Rach, Kt, and Fishy all in a line, crying and walking, with our arms around each other. They were all awesome people and it's good to cry once in a while. I think I'd explode if I didn't. Then we went back to camp, and just cried with Angie--all in a group hug. I'm trying hard not to cry while writing this. I think that was the best part. Cleb was great, thanks for the concern. =o) That time of crying was so tight--I'm glad we had it. You gals ROCK. I love you SOO much!

The second best part was finding out how fast a girl can change her moods. We're hugging, and crying, then we hear "Tony, you're so fat!" and we burst out laughing. Then there we are, making jokes, and think how weird this night is. The answer to all questions: 42, life is short, Tony's fat. lol. Which, by the way, is SO not true, for those who don't know who on earth Tony is.

Then we stay up till 2:00am (for kt and me) dancing the macarena, and electric slide, and the cha cha. While I was starting to get ready for bed, they had the Ohio vs. Michigan lap, and I hear a ton of male voices shouting O! H! I! O! over and over. It was funny. Kt said I missed them doing some crazy things, though. Drat.

The sun rise was cool. It was funnier watching Rach laugh at anything and everything, and Kevin doing the greased lightning dance moves, Tony laying on the cold, hard bleachers, and Miah just being his usual self. That was great.

The rest of the day was mostly sitting around, or dragging ourselves around the track, or beating up a cigarette machine. James got a whole chunk off of it. Yay!

So, finally, we just decide to call it a day, and not stay the whole 24 hours. Good thing, too, I was getting exhausted. It's a happy exhausted. A lot of emotions in a short time, not much sleep, and tons of walking...=o)

Even if we didn't stay for the whole thing, I'm glad we didn't. It was AWESOME without it going on forever. This is just making me PUMPED for LT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Low on sleep, high on emotions, perfect!

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