Monday, July 10, 2006


since kt gave me the idea on her blog, I'll give you more details on our trip.

We left Saturday, the first, in the morning. We traveled for quite a distance, straight to Georgia, and arrived at my aunt lou's driveway around 8 or so. We had dinner, and caught up. Then mom and Dad went to my grandma's condo, where they stayed for the Georgia portion of this trip. We stayed up, and talked with my cousin Chelsea, and Aunt Lou.

Sunday, the second, we left around 10:30 for church, and it was quite interesting. I liked it. It was different from our church, and so it was kinda cool to see how other people's churches work. Though, this particular sunday, they were having a special jazzy kind of service, so it wasn't normal for the cousins, either. After church, we saw our grandma's condo--it's a nice place. We had lunch at Aunt Lou's house, and swam in their pool in the backyard. We had a TON of fun doing this movies game, though it doesn't have to be about movies. One person ("IT" I suppose) stands at one end of the pool, and everyone else is on the opposite side. IT thinks of a movie, and says the intials (example, P-O-T-C for Pirates of the caribbean). The others have to figure out what movie it is. You can ask what genre it is, who stars in it, old or new, what's it about, etc. once you figure out the movie, you swim across the pool, and tag IT, and say what movie it is. Obvoiusly, the first person to tag IT and gets it right is the winner. The winner is now the new IT, and we start again. VERY fun. we played that till maybe 5:30, and we took showers and had yummy lasagna at Grandma's condo. After dinner, we started on a new cup game, then watched Edward Scissorhands. pretty good, if you want something kinda shallow--there wasn't a huge in-depth plot, or have a big point, but it was nice. Had some language, though.

Monday, the third, we went down to Atlanta to visit Uncle Tom and his family, and see their house, and talk. We went swimming, all nine of us cousins. But we got hungry pretty quick, so had some snacks until the pizza arrived. VERY yummy. Played Mou (mow?)--lots of it. Abby and Chelsea went shopping after a few rounds, so they were out of the loop when they got back. It was really funny, because by that time the rules were clear to us, so it was funny to watch them have no idea what was going on. Had dinner, played a lot of clue, and took a walk, and had a bit of a concert. I played "song without words." It was ok... :0)

Tuesday, the fourth, we sorta packed up what we didn't need for Tuesday and Wednesday, and played clue with Chelsea. We figured out a way to make lists to remember what everyone had played or done. I know, that's kinda involved, but it was fun! People came, and we had a late lunch, and had a bit of a fourth party, imagine that!LOTS of clue, another concert, and I played "Son without words" again, because that was in good order for a recital thing, so yeah. I think I did better that time. We swam, and did more movies and Abby worked on her dive, and it got pretty good. Played a last game of clue, and went to bed

Wednesday, the fifth, out the door before 10:30, and drove for a few hours to Tennesee, where meme and pops were waiting. had lunch, played euchre, had a walk, hung out, had fun. dinner, So you think you can dance, and bed

Thursday, the sixth, we had pancakes, took a walk, played a little Euchre, watched what not to wear, tried out the boat, but it wouldn't start, so we swam off the dock, which was very fun. dinner, scrabble, results to so you think you can dance, and bed

Friday, the seventh, Abby was talking about Pirates being out, and wanting to know how it went from Meg, but didn't want to know so much as to call her. We had a walk, again, and I really learned how to skip rocks. We played a good game of scrabble, just kt, abby and me, with a little dad thrown in when we're stumped. had lunch, where dad was talking about maybe seeing pirates, but if we wanted to swim, we should probably hup to it. I didn't but I went down to the dock, and watched them, and wrote in my journal. When we came back, it was definite that we were going to see pirates, and we needed to get ready.

Warning: all in red below is about pirates. if you haven't seen it, and don't want all the funny parts to be given away, or anything else for that matter, should proceed to the next section.

it was awesome. BANG un-dead monkey. Where's that monkey, I need to shoot something. Oh, the HEAT. I've got a jar of der-ert. I've got a jar of *thump* it's ok!! I"VE HAD IT!!!!!!! *squack* don't eat me! dilly dilly snip snip. No, BIG fire! BIG fire! more wood! sishcabob Jack. ...the help of the escape of Jack sparrow. CAPTAIN!! captain Jack sparrow. And I'm sure there's a lot more lines, but I've only seen it once! But man, what an ending!

Ok, you can read again :-) I'm crazy. After the movie, we had homemade pizza--delicious!! watched Monk, and packed up and went to bed

Saturday, the eighth, we drove all day, and listened to Prince Caspian, and stuff. It's good.

so there you have it, the vacation, and I'm sure a lot more details than you wanted, but I'm very sorry :-( lol, I had fun.

Sunday was sweet, we had a praise and worship night, and half the people were up on the stage, but that's ok. I had fun--I played the piano. we had some requests, and some cheesy french accents, and cheesy messed up jokes, and icecream and ultimate frisbee. I had a GREAT time. VERY sweet.

Well, I've been talking way too long, time to do something else...


Katie Y. said...

yup. That's how it went. But you didn't mention clue enough times. That's all we did all day on the 4th.

H. Yackley said...

ur right, I didn't mention clue, we did a little bit monday in Atlanta, then ALL day Tuesday....