Friday, August 04, 2006

All About LT

dude, I need to post more....sorry about that! lol.

Ok...LT. The thing we've all been waiting for...

I was kind of wary at first--LT can't live up to the expectations we've given it, can it? It can. dude, it was AMAZING!!!!!!!The bus trips were uneventful--hallelujah to that! the condo was prettyful. Trashed with our stuff, but prettyful. Getting to the meetings on time was a challenge, for me at least (I HATE my clockwork working like that--on top of things until the last minute!).
The meetings....were AWESOME! The first meeting, Tony, James, and Katie were so HYPER! it was AMAZING! I've never seen Tony that hyper before. When the doors FINALLY opened, we went streaming in, yelling at the top of our lungs, and ran straight for the front row. It was Loud. Like, LOUD. But that's ok...

There were many meetings--my two favorites was Tuesday night's worship night, and when Timmy Powers spoke. They both hit home. Monday and Tuesday. Oh, one of my favorite traditions of LT is when you get there, you take off your shoes. I don't know why--maybe it's like with Moses taking off his sandals at the burning bush--LT kind of became holy ground, because it led us to God. But that's about the only reason. :-)

Timmy spoke about the "life boat game" where there's only room for 4 people, but there's 5 people, so you have to decide who gets kicked off. That's all anyone worries about in life, is staying on that boat--have people like you so you can stay on. Jesus jumped off that boat, and swam far away. He didn't care what others thought. He did what he had to do, and didn't let worry hinder him. Timmy said to surrender your worry of staying on that boat. I did, and jumped off. Now I gotta work on not getting back on! Dude, that'll be hard.

Tuesday night, there were no chairs--you sat on the ground. That was nice--we could get even closer to the stage than being in the front row! lol. It was mostly music, with some different testimonies thrown in. But my favorite part was at the beginning, they gave you a letter from God. I was crying after the first few paragraphs. I could just feel God sitting right next to me, holding me, and hugging me, saying "I've been here the whole time. Where have you been?" Sang awesome songs, and did communion, and cried, and hugged each other. Prayed in a big circle. You could wander off--you didn't have to listen to all the speakers. Sometimes I wanted to be with friends, and have them hug me, and cry with me. Other times I wanted to be alone with God, and just talk to him. One of the times, I surrendered everything. I was curled up on the ground, my plams upward, and in a choked voice, gave God everything. My worry of what others think. My time. My reputation. My priorities. My life. They gave the songs at just the right time. When I wanted to be sad, and cry out to God, and give myself to him, the perfect song would come. When I wanted to jump, and rejoice, Marvelous Light came on. I got bowled over by some guys who were jumping, rejoicing in God. I don't blame them.

LT rocked. Everything about it. The rushing not so much.I learned so much about everyone else around me, and about myself, and about God. I listened to amazing speakers. I sang amazing songs. laughed. cried. felt like it was just me and God in the entire room. Listened to a weird guy on the radio in the morning from the alarm. Bob Evans. devotionals. worship. adrenaline. chocolate. bananas. knocking on doors and running. anonymous. M&M's from the guys. letters. notes. encouragement. The HA game. beat boxing. beat boxing the announcements with Cheerio man, 2%, bananaman, and spiderman. middle school girls do spider hands. breakout. I want to stare at her FACE. Stop straightening the cushions. Don't be an Eeyore about it. Yay, whoever yay. Boo whatever boo. knocking and running and getting caught. yelling in the rain. Hallelujah. pushing Satan out the door. Closing and locking and barring the door behind me. prayer groups. tears. hugs. raise my hands and spin around. falling on our knees. voice cracks. swimming. launches in the pool. hot tub. huge mosquito bites. dunking. water-proof moccasins. the beach. ultimate frisbee. pancakes. peanut butter. Rock paper scissors. Ducks. aptats. superman. mafia. getting blindsided in mafia(grr, Rachel!) James and Jeremiah arresting Tom and Kevin. squinting in the sun for pictures-not fun. Fly, Kevin, fly. Caleb's birthday. pink luggage. Angie's twins strangling her (it's official--she only has one). doopas. cute mailboxes. hyper. tripping. being tired. Bea as a deer caught in headlights. hearts. flamingoes. surfer dudes. rude men in suits telling you not to be with bananas. He's just a regular guy. a fruit, not a freak. Al 2006-2006.

obviously, we had the time of our lives. That was fun. I surrender to Him. He won't let me down.


P.S. THAT was totally WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!

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