Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life when it's not so hectic.

Ok, let's try this again...the last post failed on me :-(. If you want, just skip these next 4 paragraphs, and get to the good part :-)

Yesterday was fun. We walked the resevior, and talked--asked some good questions to each other. Then we went to godfather's pizza with katie, gretchen,and ann, and it was nice to meet katie and ann again, and to see gretchen again. we went bowling, and I did ok...not as awesomme as I'd like, but the stupid ball wouldn't go where I wanted it to! lol.

Monday, kt and I ran before we came here. I actually went two miles, even though that last mile was a flashback to the first time I ran...That's ok. I just pretended Tony and James had tp'd the trees in front of our house, and then they were eating all the chocolate chip banana muffins in the house, and I had to run home, and claim some for myself. It worked :-)

We just hung out here when we got here. We just sat and talked, had good food, played euchre, (up to TEN) and talked to bruce and cleb. not in that order.

Today, we're gonna go swimming, tomorrow, we're gonna practice piano and go horse back riding, with gretchen, and Friday we're gonna go to the county fair :-)

But anyway. Lately I've been reading Mark, and I'm gonna finish it tomorrow. It'snic eto reflect on what Jesus did for me--especially after LT. I know how intimate God's love for me is, and even though I don't feel it as strongly as I did at LT, I still feel it, and I'm trying to act on it, and be a servant, and talk about Him and stuff. I love Sundays. I get to be with my friends who are wanting God's will to go first, and I can worship with them, and talk with them. This Sunday we'll be at the grandparent's church, but it's still gonna be good. God doesn't rely on what church you go to to speak to you. :-)

I still have to keep surrendering my worry of what others think of me, especially here, where I'm meeting people I haven't seen in forever. I just read this awesome book, how my private, personal journal became a bestseller, and even though it's not that christian-based, it still talks about being confident in yourself, and not being pressured by the world.

I'm gonna leave you with this:

I'm falling on my knees

offering all of me

Jesus, you're all this

heart is living for!

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