Sunday, November 12, 2006

50 cosas ante muerte

Listening to: Newsboys--love their lyrics.

50 things to do before I die. on a crashing computer.
We'll see how this goes.I kinda copied off some ppl, but they were good ideas...

1. Write a book and get it published
2. Read through my'll take a year and a lot of sleep-fighting time to do that one....
3. Sell my art or something...and it'd better be good art, too
4. Be a leader at LT and MSR
5. Bring someone to Christ
6. Stick my head out the roof-window of a car while it's driving. Not on the express way. Don't want to tear my head off....
7. Speak Spanish fluently
8. Go to Mexico, to live or visit.
9. Go on a missions trip
10. Like Meg: go to the Ukraine to see Timmy Powers
11. Marry my man
12. kt's way says it best: have sweet, terrifying adventures with my man (and munckins)
13. Make a big scrapbook
14. Hear a song and be able to play it
15. What the heck, be a piano teacher
16. Stay up all relay, perhaps....
17. Stand on the roof watching a sunrise/set with a friend or my man
18. Not kiss till my wedding
19. Run another 5k
20. Get my scores from PSAT and be happy
21. I liked this one...Make a difference in someone's life besides leading them to Christ
22. Teach someone how to knit or crochet
23. Learn how to quilt.
24.Get into an awesome college
25. Speak in front of people without feeling self-consious or annoyed at how it went, but speak clearly and effectively
26. Build a huge, awesome sand castle
27. Go out of my way to help someone who needs me
28. Be ready for my tests on time
29. Graduate from danceworks. (that'll be a sad sad day)
30. Do a roundoff backhandspring
31. Read the entire Harry Potter series in a row. Not necessarily in one day, but over time....
32. Go to another Newsboys concert, or ALIVE33. Walk across the room and not feel like it was a disaster
34. Ok, I know I'm copying a LOT, but invite dance person to youth group
35. Mow the grass in a sweetly weird design
36. Rub Dad's back for an hour--and not even get paid!
37. Be a Youth Leader
38. Be organized enough in a rush to consistently get out the door without remembering something at the last second
39. See the Grand Canyon
40. Be there for someone in the middle of the night when they need me
41. Laugh until I cry
42. Cry until I laugh...I've done that though...well, Cry until I laugh because I'm crying so much...
43. Eat cookie dough while I'm studying
44. Consistently take risks to do what God called us to do.
45. Watch a thunderstorm with my friends or my man
46. Write a song
47. Watch OSU win against Michigan
48. Ride in a Limo
49. Learn another language besides Spanish
50. Learn to play harmonica and guitar.

Whew! there we are. I proly have tons more that I could do, but I can't think!

Well, ttyl.

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