Sunday, September 19, 2010

A mashup of Thursday night through Saturday: Lifegroup, triathlon, Karen girls


Ate dinner with... Can't remember. I'm sorry, whoever it was!

Then we had lifegroup. I was hanging out in the lounge, but a few guys were in there already, and I didn't know if we could chivy them out or not. Sooo when the time came and tons of girls were showing up.... we didn't know what to do. But Sarah (with her AMAZING New Zealand accent) just went in and asked if they could move -- one of the guys asked if we were with navs or h2o so that was cool... but we think it was her accent. Haha.

Life group was fun. As always. At the end there I was reminded forcefully how transient life is and how dark it can be sometimes. But I also was reminded of how faithful God is and how powerful. So it's all cool :-D

erm. Watched Princess and the Frog. Twas fun. Bed


Friday: Chinese was fun. Challenging but fun. As always.

FHC was good. We have to find an article that pertains to the subject we want to research in the coming year. Not semester. Year. Soooo I have to think about that. And look through some things. But Barb showed us a lot of good search engines for scientific journals and the like.

Lunch with Yukie in Eastway. That was really fun! I was glad to hear how things were going with her. She's trying to get involved with music -- she plays trumpet. Soooo that's really cool.

Astronomy: Same as always. He's funny, and the content's pretty interesting, but it's still not my favorite class... I guess I'm not much of a star geek.

Hung out with Emily.

Homework. Dinner with Judi and Michelle (and Caleb eventually).

h2o Triathlon. You can see Nick's pictures to see how some of it worked. I just did puttputt and got a milkshake and hung out and froze and snuggled and danced to cotton-eyed joe and had a sword fight to the pirates music annnnddd... heard the results. Chad won for the guys, of course. Sarah won for the girls, of course. I think Matt Mc won second for the guys?

Went to bed. Because I was tired, that's why.


Laundry. Get ready for the day. Homework. Karen girls come!!! Get them set up with lunch. Fold laundry. Eat lunch. Hang out with the girls while lunch was cleaned up and the fam talked, apparently. I had more fun with the Karen girls, but Abby got offended, apparently. (Sorry Abs! You know I love you!) Gabriel Bros -- actually got a cute skirt that I might wear tomorrow :-D Say good bye to the Karen girls.

I love them. Soooo much! They also help me remember why I am here and what I want to do. Why I think it's important to work towards this major. :-D

Homework. clean up my room, put alllll the new things mom brought away. Dinner with Judi at Eastway. (We got beef stir-fry and it was delicious!) Cool to get to know her more. :-D

Went to my room to get more homework done. Although I've said Homework a lot for today, I haven't really gotten a whole lot done. But that's what Sunday's are for, right?

Movie in Katie's room with Nick's awesome tv that has a DVD player stuck in the back of it. It's coolness. Less stuff to mess with. We watched Princess Diaries. Started out me, Yu, Katie, Nick and Caleb, but then Maegan, Kelsey, James (with h2o on his h2o shirt), Lauren, and ?? I think that's it? I'm sorry person I'm forgetting! Made me happy. I studied Chinese characters while I watched because I had seen the movie so many times. :-) It worked pretty well, I had a lot more finalized in my brain, but not completely.

Oh, and I've had sooo many oreo's between Caleb and Nick, it's awesome! People leave to go see Prince of Persia except for Katie Nick and me.

Rub Kt's shoulders because she has some terrible knots, and then get demonstrated on by her to show where all the sore places are, which was nice, haha. Watched an episode of the Muppet show with guest star Julie Andrews when she was young! :-D I said "she's so cute" every time she appeared again. It was ridiculous. But it was true! haha. Kt kicked us out and now I'm allegedly getting to bed early. Ummm for the most part.


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