Monday, September 13, 2010

My Sunday non Sunday


Didn't feel like a Sunday when I got up. Actually, while I was brushing my teeth, I realized the second service at home just started! haha. That surprised me. I'd be late to the second service! Posted some pics on FB and did reading homework. Then at two Katie and I went to the Student Center to help some Japanese girls, Yukie, Kei, and Alisa with homework. Actually, Katie helped Kei and Alisa because they had the same homework, and I helped Yukie -- she had to interview me and ask me my opinion of Americans. It was interesting. It was fill in the blank, so it'd be like: Americans act __________. They usually don't really like __________. I think actually the first one was Americans are___________. What do you say to that?? But I had fun. I almost put fat. But I didn't. But Yukie said that she had to put her Japanese view of Americans, and she put fat. But we're actually skinnier than she thought! haha. I told her that's because we're still in college where most people haven't had a whole lot of time to get fat haha.

Then I rushed around getting food and called Katie a bajillion times about random stuffs, then went to h2o. Music practice, tech rehersal, prayer, mingle, actual service, mingle, Student Center. It was really fun. I had a lot of chances to jam because the line up was so awesome. You'll Come, Mighty to Save, I lay me down, Revelation Song, Desert Song. I had to be the electric guitar a lot, so that was interesting. And nice, because I wasn't stepping on any toes. Yup yup.

Ate at the SC, (Club mex wrap from Einsteins) and then a bunch of us went back to sto jo to "study." First, it took forever to find an open study lounge, then everybody was talking. When you put Caleb, Abagail, Arika, and Ducky/Jake in the same room, it'll be loud. But I still got some reading done by super concentration and reading aloud to myself. I did have to leave the room at one point though haha.

Then bed. Lovely lovely bed.

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