Saturday, October 23, 2010

This makes me STOKED

YOU GUYS!!!!!!

Guess what??!!

There's such a thing as Honduras LT. And it's 8 weeks long, rather than 11. And it's in HONDURAS!!

Does this not sound amazing???

The only thing that is a big Debbie downer is that it's 10x more expensive than Colorado LT. They don't have a specific price yet, but it's a tentative 7-9 thousand dollars. Yeah. I know. I mean, obviously, it's out of the country and everything.

But it's Honduras.... everything is tugging inside of me to go. If God wants me to go, he'll provide the money. God asks us to do crazy things sometimes, and this seems to be it for me. I'm going to pray hard about it, and I ask you to do the same.

Oh, and the deadline is Dec 1, so there's not a TON of time to think it over...

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