Monday, November 08, 2010

Hey! I have a blog! look at that!

Monday, 11-8:

wake up before my alarm... this daylight savings thing is messing me up... or I'm just not sleeping as well, I dunno. I woke up a couple of times in the night, but not for any extended period of time, so that's good...

Chinese was good, I actually knew what I was doing :-P I have a quiz tomorrow. OH! and the test is on Friday. Thank goodness for a free day on Thursday!!

Colloquium was good too. We ate Oreo's and talked about our proposals, if we had a gap that we thought our research would be able to fill. I start writing my proposal... Probably today/tonight. It'll be interesting...

Ate lunch with the amazing Rachel and Jenny duo. And Nick, once he showed up. Mostly talked about nothing... weekends... bees... classes... the usual (Bees is not a random topic. There was a big one inside the building trying to get out.)

Wrote my paper some

Astronomy: Get there right on time, learn about the sun and sunspots and solar flares and fun stuff like that. Pretty intresting. We've now started on the birth of stars.

I just don't get how my teacher, who is so scientific, could just state that 15 billion years ago, there was no universe. There was absolutely nothing. Then out of nothing, a gigantic explosion took place" and left this huge amount of gases, matter, whatever. Eventually they formed galaxies and stars and planets.


Nothing, then all of a sudden, something? Have you ever see that happen? you need something to make something. And the something that's doing the making? that's a Someone named GOD!



Talked with mom about my paper. Was walking to class, but eventually I just plopped down in the grass, got out my laptop and started writing things down :-) It was fun...

Then went to First Year Experience, and listened to the Prof talk about class scheduling and how the university doesn't want you to know anything so you'll have to stay longer in order to graduate, because they want your money. :-P

Oh, and he talked about how we can convey our feelings/impressions through art. That's our end of year project that will make or break you. Mwuahahahhahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's cool. I got this. Now I just have to pick which one....

And we talked about Gaugin and Van Gogh. And Monet and his haystacks.

Then I wrote my paper and finished it and turned it in and it was actually decent.

Now I'm going to do some homework after dinner with I don't know whom.


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