Sunday, February 06, 2011

A Quick Game of Mustard... Oh Wait, Wrong Condiment.

I'm just going to do bare bones post like Katie, but maybe with a little more life... but I'm not going to ever make this full blown with pictures because it isn't nearly as exciting.

Wednesday: Sleep in. Homework. Chuck, I believe. Hang out with Michelle and Emily. Dinner with Rachel. Go to her room and hang out. Read a whole chapter for Education because totally forgot we needed to do that. Bed.

Thursday: CLASS. EWWW. Turn in Nutrition project, get grade back for Music quiz (not bad), lunch with Whitney, Bethany, Katy, Lauren, and Sarah W, Chinese (fun as always), Ed -- not terrible. We had the prof look over our unit plan and she pointed out several things that needed changed, so that's good. At least we didn't have to turn it in that way :-) Homework. Dinner at the hub with international students (no, actually, that's what it was supposed to be, but only Andy showed up. It was cool though -- quite fun!) Lifegroup. Talked about how to turn commands into actions. Bed.

Friday: Class. Lunch with Yukie and her roommate, Kimberly, who is from Puerto Rico. It was a lot of fun! Chinese. Good times. The summer two week (maybe) thingy they are getting together is for this summer! So I think I should probably get a passport. They won't ever get cheaper, and it's about time. Even if it doesn't actually come through. It'll be nice to have. Homework. stuff. I can't remember. I feel like I was working on something, but I can't really remember. It might have just been homework. No lo se. Ah well. Met Rachel and Sony (Rachel's friend from Haiti at Rachel's dorm and we walked over to the Luther House for the Chinese New Years celebration there. Sat with Andy, ate some dumplings, saw Kei and Keiko (from the Halloween party), practiced Chinese... it was a good time. Even taught some Chinese to Rachel and Sony. :-)

Went to Monster's Inc in the Kiva with Rachel, Max, dude who's name I always forget, Joyce, and Elsa! It was so good! I forgot how cute Boo is, and how awesome the ending is :-D I'm glad they don't show Boo right then at the end. *singing* put that thing back where it came from or so help me!! So help me, so help me, and cut.

Saturday: Sleep in, rearrange room with Kait and Nick (who came in the nick of time, right when I was about to drop the bed), and later Hannah H. Pictures are on Facebook. Took up a good portion of the day... but still time for Skyping with the fam and Karen kids and homework. Damon's for Sarah W's birthday party. Their mac n cheese is basically like Stouffer's but different ish. But YUMMY. Sat near Hannah H, Matt B, Katy W, and Nick. Matt told me of the time that he called either everybody or just Katie Depraved because they didn't know something. And Katie just about died laughing. He says he can't remember if he knew it was the wrong word or not. Deprived. One letter, totally different meaning. Matt likes to say that some things are cosmically hilarious. :-)
Back to the dorm to play games in the lounge. a 100 piece puzzle, and Scrabble, to be exact. Lauren and I lost by a lot. We had ALL VOWELS at one point, but we didn't switch them out. People would ask, "who's turn is it?" and 80% of the time, it was ours. C'mon, and getting a Q at the end there? at lease we had a U, but it didn't really help matters.

Then Katy wanted to watch a movie, and since I was feeling spontaneous, we watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. On my semi lofted bed. Good movie. :-)

And... TODAY! Wow....

Sunday: Woke up late (big surprise) and did homework. and did homework. Had Linner at Einsteins. Went to an early version of church (4:30) where Mark B spoke on the use of our words. Important stuffs. chatted with Emily while we waited till 6:35 to make sure there wasn't anyone who forgot it was an early church service. Then we went to the superbowl party! Nick should have pictures. The hallway was covered with shoes. It was great! Sat with Amber for a bit, played Farkle for a bit, ate pizza and hershey's kisses for a bit, chatted with Michelle for a bit... Yup, great time. Most people were happy with the outcome of the game. I'm pretty much indifferent. Like Abby, I mostly worry about OSU, because the browns never get anywhere anyways... haha!

home, take pics of the room and post them, and now I'm posting this!

And from now on, I hope to stay more on top of blogging so I might be able to actually tell stories. We were talking at the party about Katie's ability to tell stories on her blog so well. Hannah H is trying to catch up, and she just read about the disgusting bird story. :-)

Aaaannnd now it's late, and I have class in the morning. Whaaaat???!! (minion)


Abby said...

Technically, I was rooting for the Packers b/c they have a TON of OSU graduates on their team. (I even wore my OSU jersey. haha!)

And to Rachel's terrible towel (and Erin C's!): Put that thing back where it came from or so help me, so help me, so help me, AND CUT!
Sorry. Just had to gloat a little tiny bit... ;)

H. Yackley said...

Wait.... not only are you telling to put those towels back where they came from or so help you, but you're also suggesting that they take some scissors to them? Harsh...

haha! It's ok. You do that.

Word Verification: Chess.

Melissa said...

Thanks for the updates and awesome info! I loved reading all about life in your world, and I also read about the retreat today too. Thanks for taking the time to write it!

Praying for you colloquium paper/research/clarification--hope that's going better.

Love you bunches!