Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Monday and Tuesday, and I agree with Matt


class, lunch with Michelle, class, went to Jazzman's with Caleb and saw Rachel F and Sarahbeth... homework...

I suddenly realized I had band practice that night for next Sunday (yes, playing two weeks in a row). Scramble getting the travel report for music done.

Band practice was fun! We (aka Ivan) made up an AWESOME pre-jam. Katy said once I came in with the Accordion setting on the piano, it sounded like a pirate shanty. Yup! But it's really going to be called "The Vowel Song." Yesss....

Work on travel report late at night. Go to bed while Rachel R continues skyping with her friend. I must say, she's considerate though -- the moment I got into bed, she switched to typing on her side and put headphones in so her friend could keep talking.

Wake up and my roommate is still skyping with her friend. She pulled her first all-nighter! (she says with excitement). Didn't do it because of homework, did it for the heck of it :-) It makes me laugh... I love it though.

Went to our first class. After class, she went and took a nap and I kept going to classes...

Prentice lunch was fun with Bethany and Whitney as always. And my grilled cheese :-)

Chinese was good. I like that class :-)

Education was actually ok! They were giving out candy for positive reinforcement. Thankfully they didn't take it away to demonstrate punishment! haha...

Run up to the third floor to give Abigail my music book so that she could use it for her music class that she's just now starting. Apparently some AP credits didn't transfer, so she has to take one more 3-credit class in order to graduate. Yay...

But Sarah W beat me to it, so instead I ran back down and grabbed my camera because they were trying to have a fashion show with a full card. Doesn't work as well....


dinner with Michelle at the hub. It was a ton of fun, because now that we knew we were future roommates, we were having pre-roommate-bonding-time. We talked about how we would have to scale the cuteness back when other people were around so they wouldn't be driven away by the sweetness of it all... haha! Saw Emily M there, told her we were rooming together -- she was happy to hear it. :-D


Band practice again for women's weekend this time. I played 1:30-8 on Sunday, 8-10 on Monday, 8-10:15 on Tuesday, then I will play a session on Friday and maybe 2 or 3 on Saturday, and then again 4:30-7:30 on Sunday! Whew! It'll be a lot of fun, but I think my left leg is already getting tired from it! (I play standing up and use my right foot for the pedal, so I don't put much weight on it).

bed. Rachel was in bed before me, lol.

OH I forgot to tell you the most interesting parts of the last two days!

I've been wearing a shirt that says "I agree with Matt" on it -- looks like the facebook profile pic I have. Matt is a senior psychology student who is a Christian, and he's going to be talking on Thursday about it and stuff, and probably opening it up for discussion with peoples. It's really cool! Wearing a shirt is a good way to spread the advertisements about I agree with Matt, but it's also a way to strike up conversations with people. They've had a table at the Kiva, and I've heard some cool discussions with that.

Personally, I've mostly just told people what it is and they say, oh, that's cool. Usually it's not a good time to ask follow up questions and such, but one of my classmates in education said she's been wanting to go to h2o but she's always doing homework. I told her to get ahead :-)

It's interesting. The first day I wore it on Monday, I felt like I was wearing this ridiculously bright target that everyone was noticing me and stuff. But yesterday it was no big deal, though I always got excited when I saw another shirt in a class or something.

Ok, that's that, I have to get finished getting ready for class now. Thought I'd drop a line.

It's a thick line, but whatever. Thick or long? I don't know...


Kaite said...

yay! good, chatty post :) I feel thoroughly informed. =D

...and dude, that's A TON of music practice! You're going to start walking with a limp. =)P

Melissa said...

Indeed! Good thing you love to play the piano, or you'd be sick of it by the end of next weekend!

Thanks for catching us up. I am so glad to hear that all is going well and that you and Michelle are having fun thinking about being roommates!

You are a busy, busy girl! Keep up the good work!

yack said...

yeah, what they said. And it's a long, thick line. Thanks for that. And Red Chicken. And maybe we should get you a stool?! I just told Mom that I am glad you like your Chinese class and could audit it without it overwhelming the rest of your studies. Press ON!

yack said...

oh... and with the 'I agree with Matt...' In our day, we would wear 'Enjoy life now, ask me how' buttons and had tracts that went with them :P