Sunday, February 27, 2011

quick update...

So this weekend started Friday morning when we got ANOTHER snow day!! :-D It makes me happy.

It was hard to walk to Starbucks, but we (Rachel F and I) went anyways. Got some coffee and did some homework, etc etc. It was fun to just sit and chat and get some stuff done. It's such an awesome little coffeeshop, though crowded!

Then I went to Mike's place with 14 other people, which was really really fun! I ate chocolate chip pancakes. They were delish. :-D Mike's place has a weird sense of humor. Very sarcastic and funny, although a little offensive if you're a feminist haha...

Girls night at the Frank's house! We did riddles and stuff... at the end, we did the game where you go around the circle and make a story, but each person just says one word. It wasn't a story... it was a collection of completely ridiculous statements that hardly made sense. Though there were some times that the language nerd came out in me because I got really excited when we were discussing what was an adverb and adjective and where punctuation should go... ok, not really excited, but more excited than I should have been.

Saturday: Homework. Skype with the family minus Katie. I didn't get nearly as much homework done as I wanted/should have, but oh well...
Went on a tour of Lake with the awesome realtor, Whitney. Michelle was definitely not shy in wandering around and inspecting things, which was awesome. :-) I think I'll like living in Lake, if I can get in...

Sunday: Hardly have any time for homework, so I didn't bother. Knew I wouldn't get much done anyways. Music practice at the franks, music practice/tech rehearsal at Bowman, actual h2o at bowman... Yeah, that spans 6 hours of purely practicing and doing. Wow. It was good though. I actually had plenty of time then to worship God, so that's cool.

Hung out for the longest time... went to the hub and got a sub and talked with some awesome h2o girls, then

now I'm here, and I'm going to bed.

The end.

ps I really don't like this travel report thing, can't wait for it to be over... Trying to figure out logistics. Ridiculously detailed. Ok, complaining is done...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It was good to skype with you on Saturday. Thanks for the blog updates too. I'll be praying for your projects and housing stuff. Miss you! Love you1