Monday, March 07, 2011

An uneventful Monday with no surprises

Colloquium (One of the guys brought cookies because he's running for senator... it's incentive. :-)

Lunch with Shu-Fen! Brought my Chinese book so she could see what level I'm at -- she wants to help me learn more :-) It's pretty awesome.

CACM -- we're learning about negotiations right now. A lot of it actually sounds like when that guy came to our church and like, the leaders had a brainstorming session of having elephant rides out front for VBS. :-D

Homework. Read Education book.

Dinner with Michelle, Alyssa, Maegan, and Nick. It was fun! I want to do that every week!

Chatted with my mother before they started a moooovie. Got to talk about rooming and classes and such. Can't wait to go home this weekend :-)

Homework. Bleh. I forgot to work on a transitional exercise with a dude in my colloq class that's due tomorrow night, and now we have to work separately on it, which stinks. But hey, I'm ready for Education class tomorrow, which is sweet...

Rosie's pizza for no reason whatsoever, except that Rachel R was hungry. :-)

Bed. Or so I'm assuming. I'm not there yet :-P


Kaite said...

you SHOULD do a weekly dinner (Y) ;)

Melissa said...

It was nice talking to you, my dear! The movie was good--we'll have to all watch it together. Letters to Juliet...cute!