Saturday, March 05, 2011

Women's Weekend!!!

Ok, so a LOT happened in the past 27 ish hours :-)

We left for women's weekend around 5ish in Sarah H's tiny little car with a guitar (Katie's guitar, actually) in the backseat with three people underneath it. Yeah, it was cramped! Thank goodness it was only 10 min away! I would have gotten claustrophobic if it had been any farther.

Set up, practice, (Tyler helped out even though he's a boy, because he knows how to make wires do what he wants them to do :-P ), unpack, eat (for me at least -- Rachel F brought me a wrap :-), made "Begs," according to Sarah DeW, even though really we were making bags for mailboxes. Sarah is from Wisconsin. :-D

I practiced a little Scottish dancing with Elsa -- it's so much work! I was sooo out of breath, and my legs were burning! Yes, I think it's a good form of exercise :-)

First session was so awesome! We played a couple songs, then Eva introduced our speaker -- it would probably be like me introducing Emily M in ten years :-P Except that Eva was the "hype guy." she started out normal Eva, then she took off her jacket to reveal a long sleeve shirt with "Michelle" written across the front, gets a sweat band around her head that has "Michelle" on it and starts going "Here with us tonight..... Aaaaalllll the way from Orlaannndo florida! She's funny! She's ___!" Goes on... then at the end when she says Michelle's name, she rips off one of her sleeves to reveal a marker heart tattoo with Michelle in the middle -- Soooooo funny! I didn't have my camera at that time, which really was a bummer...

Michelle talked about her own testimony first session. It was really good! I'm not going to repeat it all here, but if you talk to me, I can give you the gist of it later :-P

We had some prayer time and quiet time. Then we hung out. I checked out different rooms in Lake for Elsa so she knew what was open. :-) There were still 5 rooms open on the first floor! :-)

Chatted, had band practice, then Elsa told me that Sarah DeW had picked the room like 2 doors down from me, and that she had told Joyce (who she's rooming with next year), who was going to pick the room Sat morning that Joyce should pick the one in the middle! We were sooo excited!!!

Ok, and I can't wait anymore to tell you the end of that story :-P The first three rooms on the first floor of Lake is going to be Sarah DeW and Erin (from NZ), Elsa and Joyce, and Michelle and me!! It's all official now! --seriously, everyone is booked, there's no questions about it! AAAHHH So excited! The other exciting news is that there's only like 5 or 6 other rooms on the entire floor (short wing of girls) So we're hoping to get to know the other rooms really well too! But seriously, it's going to be like the Johnson third floor! :-D SO STOKED!

Anyways... played Ninja, wrote encouraging notes, went to bed.

Woke up, ate breakfast, hung out, second session.

Also fun. She talked about the crazy Jacob-Leah-Rachel drama. Good times.

More prayer reflection and quiet times.

hang out. I forgot to mention earlier that when I was going up to dinner, I met Rachel and Sarah DeW in the hall -- and Sarah's hair looked like Rita's (Hard to explain... basically it's like a faux hawk but forward more? It was cool.) Rachel's was parted way on the side then the top was teased really high. :-D They're so weird, love it. Later Elsa shows up with Princess Lea braids But I tell you this because I tell them, I feel like I should have a funky hair-do, and then they get all excited, sit me down and try to do Farrah Fawcett. When that doesn't work (my hair was too long), they tried to do a twisty type pony tail. Then they settled on three ponytails down the back of my head -- you'll see pictures. It wasn't actually as bad as it sounds -- looked like one very long ponytail that started really high, that's all. :-)

Lunch. General merrymaking :-)

Third and final session. Music. Michelle talked more about the Jacob story -- but the hope of it, not just the drama.

lots of music! I seriously wouldn't have been able to tackle it all if Jesus hadn't been helping. He kept reminding me what needed to come next :-) OH I realized that I CAN change the key of the piano, so now I don't have to transpose everything! I probably still will, just so that I can keep practicing changing keys and stuff, but if something is awkward or whateves, I can change it, which is nice :-)

pack up and head home.

That's the events for the most part. :-)

There's been a couple things that have struck me over the course of the last day ish. Ok, more than a couple :-)

One, I will not be on facebook as much anymore. It's been taking up too much of my time. It's good, but not worth that much time.

Two, God loves me lots! (understatement of the millennium)! In so many ways, his love is huge! It's constant, it's not based on actions, it's crazy!

Three, I love these women sooo much. There were times during the reflection/quiet times that I wasn't focusing on GOD per se, but just looking around the room, realizing that I loved every girl in that room, because they loved God and it was beautiful to see :-)

That's some of them, at least. :-)

But I'm SOO excited about living in Lake next year! This is going to be the bestest time ever!! Elsa's going to teach me how to play the violin and do some scottish dancing, Sarah will make everyone's hair crazy looking :-P and yeah... it'll be good times :-)

It's cool to see what's been happening in other people's lives too! This weekend was powerful. :-D

Yeah, the hairdos was a lot of fun! lots of hairspray. :-) they ran out of bobby pins. OH! I forgot, they made Rita an afro! :-D

Had dinner with Whitney. It was fun to hang out and talk about stuff. Some of it was really random. Like how the couch in Greaseway looks like our old blue couch with the subtle dots and diamonds :-) But not as sad and saggy as ours got :-P

I just realized, I use a lot of :-) :-P and :-D. Wow.

And I think I'll stop there and go to bed! It's going to be a semi busy day tomorrow :-)


Kaite said...

1. Um, I use tons of faces in my blog posts too???

2. Can I please say I told you so about the first floor of Lake because it's like Mom telling me that I should try avoiding milk to clear up acne and she's allowed to say I told you so must because the outcome was so good? =D

3. I'm glad music went well and the weekend was excellent and upon reflection, it is kind of weird that I wasn't there...except that it's not. =)P

Love you!

Melissa said...

Yay!! How exciting is the housing situation!! That will be so much fun! I'm so happy it all worked out that way. You were a trend-setter! It will be like you living with a bunch of your friends in an apartment, but you'll have someone to clean the bathroom everyday. How awesome is that?!

Glad you had such a fun weekend too. Can't wait to see you next weekend and to hear more about it!

Love you!