Thursday, August 25, 2005

Vacation, Day 3

Today, Thursday, we got ready and all and put bikes in the back of the van, and skates and pads in the front, and library books in the middle. Then yack, abyack and I got in and went to some resevior, but it didn't have a track around it like we thought it did. (Oh, ktyack, and mgyack went shopping while we did this.) Then we skipped stones for a while at the resevior, and I actually skipped a few! I haven't had much practice, but the real trick was getting the right stone, and then not making it hit the water at the wrong places. Then we went to the library, and I got some dear America books--I think I'm getting into those American diary books. Then we went to Jackson Library with the path aroud that, and I bikes while Yack and Abyack skated. It was fun.

Then, when we took a break and decided to go around one more time and then call t quits, I slamed the van door onto Abyack's thumb--again. Once again on accident. See, I slammed the van door on her left thumb when she was really little, and she had to go to the hospital. But this time she didn't. Thank goodness. But this time it was on her right thumb. It was weird.

Then we came home, and I mowed with Yack, and then we went to Grinders and used this gift certificate Yack won off the radio. And we talked about Geauga lake, where we're going tomorrow, and the waitress overheard us and she said she had gone there a little bit ago, and she had gotton this coupon thing that made admission, like, 7$ cheaper per person, for up to 6 people. And she said we could have it because it expired soon, and she knew they weren't gonna go there anytime that soon, and gave it to us! Wow! It might work, it might not, we dunno, but I can't think of a ton of reasons why it couldn't. I can see a few, but not a ton. So that was great!

Then we went to the mall (I was tired, after biking and mowing-- biking does something to the back of my knee--it's weird.) then we came home, and I think I'm gonna have dinner now, at 8:22, and I think this vacation's about the best you can get if you can't get to the beach or warmer climates--not that you would want to go anywhere warmer--though it was pretty good today. And I'm hungry, so I'll leave you with this...

(Kinda random, but I read it this morning during my qt)
Hebrew 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. NIV

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