Friday, August 25, 2006

on my mind

I've been having a few things on my heart that I've been praying for a lot lately. The first is about Veena and Madan, the elderly hindu couple in our neighborhood. I want to see them become saved. If that happened, I would probably burst out crying.

The second is teens going into college, and being faced with this world's corruptness. I was reading my notes the other day, and Tom Short said 80% fall away from God because of sexual immorality, and that's been on my heart, too. 80%!!!!!!!!! I pray that won't happen to anyone I know.

Third is all of us getting back to school, and being open and reaching other people. It's gonna be tough, but it's a soul issue thing, and it has to get done.

fourth and final, I really want to reach the girls at dance. I don't really know any of them as well as I'd like, and since I don't go to school with them, dance is the only place to get to know them. I really want to be able to give them the right words when they need them. So pray that I'll be looking for the opportunities to talk to them.

So I've kinda felt like those things have been my big prayer to God.

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