Wednesday, September 08, 2010

To make up for not calling...


Chinese. We had a quiz that I forgot to mention... don't worry I totally nailed it. :-) No really, I know the score I got and everything. She would say a word and we had to circle some pinyin. Then we had to match English meanings with pinyin, and something else that I can't remember right now.

Then Ed Dem. The first half, we talked about these Teacher documents we had to sign (except I haven't officially declared my Ed minor so I couldn't do it yet, but I will... Now I know how to get there.) Then we talked about the chapter. It was fun!

Then I went to Prentice and hung out with some completely random people because I couldn't find anyone to eat with. Becka, Julia, Sarah and McKenzie. They were funny. They came up to my table actually. :-) ummmm then I got pretzels for the ECG and some gummy lifesavers. Then I held down the first floor lounge of Johnson till James and Katie showed up. I had made four trips to get everything we needed in that room. It was ridiculous. Lots of bulky things.

Then James and I waited and listened to Matthew West while Katie went to meet the peoples.

Then Katie came in with 3 Japanese girls and Andrew and Jake M. We had a good time. The girls didn't talk super much but they're Japanese. Give them writing assignments, and I'm sure they would ace them. Oh wow look at that stereotype!

They seemed interested. We're going to try to have dinner wiht them on Friday, so we'll see how that goes too. If I call tomorrow I can break down what we actually did and said if you want.

Then I had homework. Lots of it. But I got all the pressing stuff done, and went to dinner with Joyce. We had a good talk about Americans vs Asian cultures. Turns out she speaks English as her first language and Chinese is her second (but she started learning C when she was five). I had fun. It's so weird, in the Student Center, I saw like, five different people that I knew... Caleb and Andrew, and Michelle and Sarah from Ed Dem, and... Joyce, haha.

OH!!! And I tried sushi for the first time ever!!! Joyce couldn't believe I'd never had it, so she asked if I would like some of hers, so I did! It was good. It wasn't raw. It was soft shell crab, with cucumber and artichoke and rice and wasabi and soy sauce and.... oh yeah, ginger. She said the ginger was probably to cleanse the palate after raw sushi, but she just liked to add it in, even though hers was cooked. It was pretty yummy, but the bites are huge, and you can't cut or bite them in half because they all fall apart. But she laughed a bit at my chopstick usage. But! it was better than it could have been, lol. I think I may have found something new to eat if I'm really in a rush, because the lines are never long there. :-P

Then music practice at the Franks. Ask me about Chad's call. it's too late to go into detail.

Practice was super fun! I have more solos and stuff, and I think I have the hang of it. And three voices (one melody and two harmonies) are great!!! Katie and I were so hyper coming back from that :-) I'm looking forward to Sunday :-)

Soooo yeah, then I did some astronomy reading and now I'm going to call it a night.

A Night.


Abby said...

Youuuuu are very funny. Tell me about Chad's call... cuz I got one first! haha

IF you call today (and I'll post this on facebook too) either call my cellphone after 10 or mom OR my cellphone between like, 11&12:30 and don't call Mom's cellphone between 1:30&2:30. She's teaching. And I'm her TA kind of, but calling during lunch would be fine!
Love you! Thanks for posting :)


Melissa said...

Hi Hannah! Thanks for the blog--great to hear the "Reader's Digest condensed version" of your days. That way when we talk, we can go into details! :) Sounds like you're having fun--so glad! And that you're working hard too--you'll be glad you did as the semester goes along. Love you! mwah!