Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It's too late to blog, but oh well.

I think the next few posts will be kinda like this... because I have quite a few things coming up...

EDIT::: I meant by "this" to be short and to the point and not much detail, because I have lots of tests and projects coming up. But the following is a FAIL of the above disclaimer.

Monday: Class, talked to the prof, apparently I was making a big deal out of nothing... some of the more crazy suggestions she made last Friday were more just suggestions that she was probably glad I didn't go with? I dunno... But she was afraid that I was going to change my topic, and I'm like no. I'll just keep my survey population solely to Kent State and just see how that goes and make adjustments if need be. Cool. (That was mostly for my mother, if there are readers out there going... "huh??" It's no big deal).

Lunch with Whitney and said hibye to Michelle. then said bye to Whitney and hi to Katy W and Matt B. It was some good times. :-) Whitney told me everything she has to check and recheck and do before she can get a plane of the ground. It's a crazy long list. Now I kinda understand why you get into the plane and then sit around forever before we even taxi to the runway. Or something. It might be different for commercial, but still.

Homework and class. and homework. But I also goofed off and did other stuff too because I didn't really have that much homework. Yay!

Dinner with Andy. Talked about food (wow, big surprise :-P He always talks about food haha) and I forget what else (ok, so he doesn't always talk about food. I just have a bad memory)

Band practice! It was fun. Kayla, Katy, Ivan, Lauren, and Matt were all there. I haven't been around Matt much in the past, but now I had Sunday dinner, Monday lunch, and band practice with him, and I think his vocabulary is voluminous. And quite awesome. Sometimes it's even cosmically hilarious. :-) But no, we had fun playing and I got to goof around with some of the different piano effects, like rock organ. Oh yeah!

Oh, and we hid under the stairs. "We" meaning Lauren, Katy and me. There was a trunk and some other stuffs in there, but we fit! we might have fit one more, but it would have been awkwardly squished.

homework, bed.

Tuesday (today!)

got up at 7 because i knew if I set the alarm for 8 I wouldn't wake up, but if I set it for 7 I would. Then I had more time. Is that weird? Yes. Does it make logical sense? Not in the slightest.

I go to class, but since it was FREEZING COLD OUTSIDE, I got a coffee at prentice between classes. Went back to my room dump lots of milk and some sugar into it, and I rush off to class. By the time I get there and get settled and take a sip, it's cold. I shouldn't have put so much cold milk in it for one thing, but I like to assume it was the weather, not my brilliant ideas.

Lunch with Bethany and Whitney, Chinese, Education (which was mostly meeting with mentors, and realizing why my prof needs mentors: To interpret everything she says, because she's so scattered sometimes).

Take a conflict styles assessment. For you CACM people, I am avoiding by 11 out of 12, accomodating 9, collaborative 6ish if I remember correctly, compromising 4 and assertive 1. Yep. Assertive: ONE. That means I don't ever push for my way no matter what. Which I will take as a good thing :-)

dinner at damon's with Michelle, Kait, and Caleb. Damon's doesn't do a very good job of getting orders right. There's always like one thing wrong with it, unless it's something simple, like potato skins. But yeah. I got a salad, and they gave me plain ranch dressing instead of southwestern... but Michelle got the exact same thing and she got southwestern, but no corn mix. But since we're college students and we don't really care and we just want to eat and we're not "really" paying for it, we don't bother to complain. (I don't know why I bothered to even tell you that)

We had an interesting conversation about anger and the lack of it around the Yackley house. Kait said she can't picture Kaite or I getting angry. Frustrated or annoyed, yes, but not angry. Yeah, it was funny. Trying to figure out who would blow up and who would just keep grudges forever if Kait did something drastic. :-P

Read Katie's blog and went through pictures. Ridiculous! Jealous much? yes, a bit. the Eiffel TOWER! :-) glad she had a great time.

homework. finally get started on studying for Nutrition. I'll be doing that ALL day tomorrow.

Jake (yeah, Jacob the now bleach blonde dude) and Justin (Rachel's friend) came and hung out for a bit, mostly to talk to Rachel about Magik (some card battle game, kinda like Pokemon but cooler), and just chill. They didn't stay long because everyone had homework to do, but it was a nice study break.

and now it's super late. Brilliant idea, Me.

Aaaand off to bed.

oh, before I take off, I would like to say that I'm sorry to hear about the furnace, and I hope it gets fixed SOON! It's cold out there! And I had to laugh when I saw Abby posted something on her blog. :-P Congrats dear!

Ok, bye!


Kaite said...

"because she's kinda scattered sometimes..." yeah, sorry about that...

Unfortunately, it IS in fact necessary to assert yourself sometimes...for example, if you're fighting for good. :) Think civil rights movement. ;)

H. Yackley said...

Let me rephrase:
"That means I don't ever push for my way no matter how it affects everyone else. I'm not the pushy, always ready for a fight person. Which I will take as a good thing :-)" "But I can switch to other management styles when it's something that's important."

:-P Yep, that's what you get for not reading it over.

Melissa said...

Nice post--thanks for filling me in on the research project update--glad it wasn't too big of a deal.

I'll be praying for your tests and projects of course.

I think it's good to realize what your style is so that you can realize how you need to adjust things sometimes. I'm sure I'm a big avoider--I didn't even like having to correct my class for whispering and not paying attention. I'd rather just say, "Oh, well. If they are lost, it's their fault," and keep going.

Love you and praying for you!